A bit info extended about all the people in F1P4'ryans' ;
p/s : this is the male site of tribute..wait for the next entry..i will reveal all the f1p4 women habits..waitt..
.grup of excellent.
this one was mmm..no description!!
2 sweet lady
.ask me for centre pic.
about 33minutes afta exam..
we decide to out together..all bestie!!
we all out in same time..coz we have to pack all my stuff and get ready to be backk!!but my last paper would be on 20th of nov..so watch out emo!!i'll be back to took revenge on u...
my malay version of lab rules
english version of lab manual
question is : what version will come up for our chemistry lab paper?? is it malay or english?? or manglishh?? wadeee...dats all i want u confused of..haha..k..wish me luck guys!!
of cos myself.pose
snap during my touch