tagged lagi datangnya dari cik riana natasha hudson (da cam sampaikan salam).hiks!dier ingin menanyakan 100 soalan bertepatan dengan 'siapakah saya'.hambek ko jawapan mantap dari aku.001. Name → Ahmad Shaofie
002. Nickname(s)→ Sopi;Sopy
004. Zodiac sign → Aquarius
005. Male or female → Male
006. Elementary → Tabika Kemas AU3
007. Middle School → Sekolah Kebangsaan Lembah Keramat
008. High School --> Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Lembah Keramat.
009. College School --> Kedah Matriculation College.
010. Hair color → Black
011. Long or short → Short.
012. Loud or Quiet → Quiet to strangers, loud to knows
013. Sweats or Jeans → Jeans.
014. Phone or Camera → dua-dua, phone PDA ngn Camera D60.
015. Health freak → mmm,some two times.
haha016. Drink or Smoke? → live healthy lifestyle.
017. Do you have a crush on someone? → nope.
018. Eat or Drink → both
019. Piercings → nope
020. Tattoos → none
FIRSTS:023. First piercing → none
024. First best friend → Mohd Syukri Mohd Shahridin
025. First award → Pelajar Kehadiran Penuh.
026. First crush → none
027. First pet → Hamster. michi was first name.
028. First big vacation → Langkawi
030. First big birthday → xigt la.
CURRENTLY:049. Eating → nothing
050. Drinking → nothing
052. I'm about to → to start revising.mid-sem nak dekat.
053. Listening to → sounds of invention;rempits and bird chirping.
054. Plans for today → Karaoke tp xjadi.
055. Waiting for → my birthday on 15th February.
YOUR FUTURE:058. Want kids? → of course.
059. Want to get married? → of course.
060. Careers in mind → not decided yet.
hahaWHICH IS BETTER IN THE BOY/GIRL YOU LIKE?068. Lips or eyes → lips.shhh!
070. Shorter or taller? → must be taller but shorter than me.
072. Romantic or spontaneous → ade ke pompuan romantic?no such thing.
haha073. Nice stomach or nice arms → none.
074. Sensitive or loud→ loud
075. Hook-up or relationship → erk.
076. Trouble maker or hesitant → none.
HAVE YOU EVER:080. Lost glasses/contacts → i did. sebelah lens hilang.
081. Ran away from home → nope.
082. Held a gun/knife for self defense → nope.use power of magic.
083. Killed somebody → yup.killing them softly.
084. Broken someone's heart → nope i think.
085. Been arrested → never.
087. Cried when someone died → yup, my late grandfather.
DO YOU BELIEVE IN: 089. Yourself → of course.
090. Miracles → sometimes.but i wish miracles can help.
091. Love at first sight → maybe.depends.
092. Heaven → yes.
093. Santa Claus → no.but i wish to get a present.
094. Tooth Fairy--> no meaning.
095. Kiss on the first date -> never.
ANSWER TRUTHFULLY:097. Is there one person you want to be with right now → Yes.
098. Are you seriously happy with where you are in life → Yes.thankful.
099. Do you believe in God → of course.no doubt.
100. Post as 100 truths and tag 5 people→ Farah Ain, Hani Fadzuin, Aliaa Mursyida, Siti Emma Sherrina and You.
It is the truth and its your turn.